This Page is for Explanation of "LaboMan08" (Apple App Store);  a software for Molecular Biology.

This App in integrated version of older version of Apps; LaboMan01, 02, 03, 05, 06, and 07.

On the first Page menu, you can choose DNA-handling protocol.

Second and following pages show the contents of each DNA-handling operations

- [Culture medium]

    showing components and reagents for each culture medium,

    calculation of each component according to the volume

- [Plasmid DNA preparation]

   showing experimental procedures to prepare plasmid DNA from bacterial cells, step wisely

- [genome DNA preparation]

   showing experimental procedures to prepare genome DNA from bacterial cells, step wisely

   showing 3D structure of DNA

- [Competent cell preparation]

   showing components and reagents ,

   showing experimental procedure of preparation of competent cell ,

   showing experimental procedure of transformation of bacterial cells

- [Agarose gel electrophoresis]

    showing components and reagents ,

    calculation of each component according to the volume

    showing experimental procedure of preparation of gel

- [Restriction enzyme treatment]

    calculation of each component according to the volume

- [PCR] 

    showing three type different PCR protocols

    showing components and reagents ,

    calculation of each component according to the volume

- {PAGE / Trichina-SDS-PAGE]

    showing three type different  protocols

    showing components and reagents ,

   calculation of each component according to the volume

*most of information how to use this App is buried within App

about Update:

-  (ver 2) the Description of "Competent cell" was added;  

- (ver 3) the Description of "PAGE/ Trichina-SDS-PAGE" was added

Contant adress:
